Scripture Memorization Club Luke 3:11


You know the feeling, right? The sense of dread as you ease your car to the end of the parking lot driveway and see a person standing there holding a sign. You know you have to stop right in front of them because you can’t just peel out into traffic. That feels really uncomfortable and so what do you do? Smile? Wave? Ignore and pretend you don’t see?

According to this weeks scripture, there’s a different approach to take. Continue reading

Scripture Memorization Club 2 Corinthians 4:16


Hello Wonderful People,

Here is the scripture for this week.

2 Corinthians 4:16 New International Version (NIV)

16 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.

I find myself, coming out the other side of this sickness, with a renewed ardor for God. In my feebleness, I had to accept that, no matter how much I desired things to be different, I was unable to be effective. I was in a position of total and complete powerlessness, unable to care for myself or for my children. I was helpless, and I was isolated. It was a reminder for me of how truly vulnerable I am. Continue reading

All Shall Be Well

Ran across this via Teresa of Avila Turns 500. The song is absolutely stunning. So lovely.

Julia Bloom

My latest video has been a joyfully collaborative effort.

The words are taken from the book Revelations of Divine Love, by Julian of Norwich, 14th-century English mystic.

The images are the attentive and skillful work of Kristen Kopp. I left southern Minnesota for the outspoken beauty of Colorado, but Kristen’s photographic impressions of my prairie home do gorgeous justice to the whispering wonder of that place. Treat your eyes and your soul to more of her work here:

While I wrote the music and made a simple recording with acoustic guitar and vocals, my best-beloved, Nathan Bloom, sculpted the audio tracks into a fascinating aural landscape.

Deepest thanks to Julian, Kristen and Nathan for sharing your own unique vista on the world with me in producing this video!

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Scripture Memorization Club Matthew 27:46

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I am so sick. The skin on my lips is peeling off because I have to breathe through my mouth, my sinuses are blocked, my head feels like there is an axe in it, my throat hurts, and I have a deep, rattling, painful cough that hurts my throat more. My body is aching,  my energy is completely gone.

For two days I could not speak, I could not care for my children, I could not bathe, I could do nothing but lay in bed with my eyes closed, drifting in and out of borderline hallucinogenic sleep and waiting until I could safely take the next round of fever reducer. I have been brought low. Continue reading

Scripture Memorization Club Exodus 20:17


This week I’m drawing our attention to the last commandment of the 10 commandments that God gave to Moses. The very 10 commandments written on tablets of stone that Moses later busted up in a fit of anger after seeing that Israel was worshiping a Golden Calf in his absence. These commandments are God’s approach to ethics, great advice for happy living and they still apply to our lives today. Continue reading