Scripture Memorization Club – James 2:14-17


Good Morning,

How long are we willing to suffer the same problem? Hoping for change? Hoping, perhaps, that God will magically change it for us at no significant effort on our part?

How many times are we going to say, ‘Yeah, I need to do that.’ or ‘Yeah, I should try that.’ or ‘Yeah, I should look into that.’ How many months are we going to say these things over and over and over again and do absolutely nothing any differently? And then continue to wonder why we still suffer? WHY isn’t God helping us!?

We have faith, right?

Here’s what scripture says about it…

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Scripture Memorization Club


Hello All,

So many of us have recently been tested. Most of us aren’t out of the woods yet. There is new hope with the new year, but the problems we’ve been facing still haven’t concluded. We are struggling with our issues, giving them to God and taking them back and then giving them to Him again. It’s the dance we do as believers. This weeks scripture is for that:

1 Corinthians 10:13New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)

13 No testing has overtaken you that is not common to everyone. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tested beyond your strength, but with the testing he will also provide the way out so that you may be able to endure it.

We are reminded here that with every problem, there is a provision. Let’s say that again – WITH EVERY PROBLEM, THERE IS A PROVISION. God, who Loves us and guides us in our growth in Christ, doesn’t give us tests and temptations that are beyond our capabilities. Furthermore, He provides for us all that we require to move through the challenge to it’s final conclusion.

Paul’s words are letting us know that the problems we face are not unique; problems of fear, relationship, faithlessness, loneliness, feelings of inadequacy, threatened security, whatever. They are the problems common to humanity and many many others have gone before us and found the way out, they’ve endured. It’s comforting to know that, isn’t it?

Contemplate this weeks scripture and know that, whatever you are facing, God has provided the strength, faith, courage, focus, resolve, humor, community, and other resources that you need to endure it and find your way out.

I will be thinking about that this week and taking note of changes in my own world view as I hold this scripture close.

Write it out, tape it to your mirror or refrigerator, and allow this beautiful word from 1 Corinthians to enter your spirit in some way this week.

Be blessed!

Then The Pipe Burst


There it is, the misty muddy swill and hiss of a rusted water main bested by the cold snap. That problem has come and I feel the damp of it pressing on the tiny ember of newborn hope recently kindled within me. I’m in that place in life where I’ve got to concede I’ve reached my limit. I’ve blown the balloon of my financial capacity just to the edge of bursting and I’ve got to find a way to release the pressure. I thought maybe, just maybe, the new plan that just arrived, carrying with it direction and hope, would be it. Then the pipe burst. Continue reading