Tough Questions


Becoming Christian has it’s challenges. It’s not like joining AA where there’s an easily discernible program to follow and everyone is pretty much on the same page. Becoming Christian means wading into a morass of strong opinions and varying interpretations.  The people and leaders and doctrines are often conflicted within the breadth of the Christian spectrum. Trying to find my place is, at times, confusing and frustrating and hard. I’m grappling with some tough questions straight out of the gate. Continue reading

I Believe him.


I believe Jesus is who he says he is. Until recently I’d never asked myself the question. I’d left the existence of Jesus in a nebulous place… Jesus: worshiped by Christians, distrusted and mocked by others, literary figure, has something to do with Christmas, one of many people/prophets/deities/works of fiction who wield religious influence. I never really got so far as the actuality of Jesus on the very few days I thought about it. Continue reading

Destination Amargosa

Amargosa Opera House Interior

Marta Becket and her Amargosa Opera House are my source of inspiration as the year begins. This woman left behind life as she knew it to became a conduit of pure (and divine) inspiration. She took a dilapidated abandoned theater in a veritable ghost town in the middle of a harsh desert and turned it into a place of beauty, creation and well being. I see the way God works in so much of what Marta Becket did. Her story touches me deeply and inspires me to stand ever more resolute in my conviction to lead a faith based life. Continue reading